Burns Supper

29. janúar 2007 | 22 myndir

Pictures taken when I attended Burns Supper with my frends in JCI Edinburgh. The day began with a seminar, "The Twinsisters of Doom" with Michael Christon of Enhance. One of the best seminars that I have seen in a long time. After that it was time fore some cultural learning. Whiskey tasting. Polly MacDonald from Tomatin Distillery came and told us how to drink Whisky. There I learnd that first you have to taiste it with your nose and then put it in your mouth and keep it there for one second for each year. I liked the smell of the 18 year old Tomatin but the taiste of the 12 year old Tomatin was better. You can gess wich bottle I am going to buy. After the taisting it was time for the gala dinner. Burns Supper. We starded with the Haggish. The tradisional scottis food that Robert Burns loved so much. I understand him wery wll. The haggish was grait. After the haggish we had some normal food. Then we dansed into the night with. The band played some traditional music and gave us a lesson in Scotish dansing. I want to thank everybody for this wonderful weekend and I might even be back next year.

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